Alan Grapes
This is a further collection of my work, ranging from random rants to a selection of reviews, articles and features.
Please feel free to browse. I would be most grateful if you could let me know if you enjoy anything in particular, either via Facebook or the Contact page of this site. Feedback is always welcome!
If you would like to read any of my articles and reviews relating to retro-gaming and technology, please go to
Many thanks for visiting!
I live in the United Kingdom and have been a government employee for the whole of my working life; as a civil servant for nineteen years and then working for the National Health Service since 2003.
In 2018 I decided to have a bash at being an amateur wordsmith in my spare time. I have since become Games Editor of the best selling digital culture magazine Pixel Addict and I also write monthly articles and reviews for our sister publication - the Commodore Amiga magazine Amiga Addict.
Some of my reviews are featured on the retro-gaming website Indie Retro News and my material has been published in the Guardian newspaper.
I am also a keen (but limited!) amateur musician, and have played in a succession of rock covers and tribute bands since the mid-1990s.
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“The road to hell is paved with adverbs.”
- Stephen King